Los Angeles,USA: A young actor is drawn into the world of intrigue, romance and murder...
VMP Films is dedicated to the art of independent filmmaking. We are developing and producing quality, multi-award winning films based on original stories and masterpieces of world literature.
We admire the great artists of all times. The richness and complexity of their existence and the discoveries they made to help humanity move forward toward a better understanding of life, death, peace, and coexistence serve as the source of our inspiration.
VMP Films
is pleased to announce that our feature length movie Notes from the New World won recently one more award as the Best Feature Film in the last session (July-October, 2023) of Art Film Awards (AFA) - in Skopje, capital of North Macedonia. This is our 32nd award for The Notes and 66th award for Vitaly Sumin (as writer-producer-director)Stay tuned! -
We're currently in the active development of the package of the feature films (genre: thriller-fantasy-crime-romance) including CATHERINE I, II and DARE TO DREAM):
In Active Development!!!
Click on the picture to enlarge!
Nancy (25), an aspiring writer, decides to test the validity of her book Love Game against reality. With the help of two former soldiers of the American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War, her husband - the movie studio executive, a hooker and a homeless, she stages a war game in a boot camp. Will Nancy's book where no killings take place, stand the test of life? Well, fiction and reality don't play by the same rules.
MAY 2022
APRIL 2022
Click on the picture to enlarge!
MARCH 2022
Click on the picture to enlarge!
Click on the pictures to enlarge!
Click on the pictures to enlarge!
Click on the picture to enlarge!
VM Productions is pleased to announce that our movies NICKS ADVENTURES IN HOLLYWOOD, BURGLARY, SPIDER MAN & CRIME AND PUNISHMENT were officially selected by the 4th Mallorca International Film Festival in Spain!
The online screenings -January 24th - begins 12-noon Central European Standard Time (GMT+1) https://filmsongo.tv
Be there!
To download the colorful press-kits - click on the titles below:
Crime and Punishment & Spider Man
Due to the COVID-19 the pre-production of our feature length project Crime & Punishment, LA - following by the shoot of the movie - that was scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 8th 2020 in Los Angeles is moved to the beginning of 2024. The exact date will be announced.
C&P, LA represents the third chapter of our ambitious LA-Dostoyevsky Project - a re-envisioning of Dostoyevsky's classic novel transported to LA during the riots of 1992.
The project -currently in the active development- was selected, as the winner, for the European Co-Production Matchmaking Program at SXSW!
Nick investigates Robert Hurley's disappearance. He's guided by the real story documented in the book The Missing Screenwriter published by VM Productions in 2018.
(Click on the posters below for the bigger images!)
FINALLY!!! The rough cut of the feature length BTS titled Dostoyevsky Reimagined (in post-production)
is about to be completed. Stay tuned!
Storyline: Man destroyes the book by Dostoyevsky
Night is quiet and rather cold. The crackling of the fire of the furnace fills
the room, along with the sound of paper ripping. A man (mid 20s), sits on
his chair by the fire. On the floor are ripped pages from books. There are
more books on the coffee table, books by Dostoevsky....
(IMDB - link)
(click on the poster for a bigger image!)
MARCH, 2020
Its a gloomy day. The sun is barely shining and clouds fill the sky. The
perfect weather to jog. MIKEY (21), a skinny, tall man, is jogging, enjoying
the weather. He suddenly slows down behind a creepy figure in a
hoodie.The figure looks so suspicious that Mikey decides to follow him...
The figure is too fast for Mikey. Mikey stops to catch his breathe. The
creepy figure walks up towards him, closer and closer. The figure opens
his arms wide and...
(IMDB - link)
(click on the poster for a bigger image!)
click to download
the press kit!
The room has an uneasy yet somewhat calming feeling to it, a highlight
of pink and blue. WOMAN (mid 20s), beautiful, charming, tall, and cunning,
wipes the splash of blood on her face and down to her neck with a cotton
pad, rather calmly. A body of a man lays on the floor, but only his arm is
visible. The rest is a mystery.
(click on the poster for a bigger image!)
(IMDB - link)
Click to download the press kit!
Kate and Carolyn meet Peter Parker (aka Spider Man) and Rodion
Raskolnikov, the hero of Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment". They
participate in the miracles by Peter and witness the murder by Rodion.
Is Peter the alternative personality of Rodion? Are we experiencing the
realization of Dostoyevsky's prophecies? And should we still read the
"old" books in order to understand our presence and predict our future?
(click on the poster above-left for a bigger image!)
(IMDB - link)
Click to download the press kit!
Two burglars-a man and a woman-attempt to gain the combination to a safe by threatening a most surprising hostage. Even more surprising is what the safe contains.
(IMDB - link)
(click on the poster for a bigger image!)
(click on the poster - for a bigger image!)
Nick, a fresh graduate from an East Coast college and an aspiring
screenwriter arrives in Tinseltown. He's hired for the project involving
a secret cult and the Russian mob... There's danger in the air.
October 31, 2018
The World Film Fair-New
York City edition (October 26-31) is the history. Our
Notes from the New World and
Shades of Day are the winners of
the prestigious awards.
The Notes received two awards:
World Film Fair Honor Achievement in Film and Television
(along with Harvey Keitel, btw.) for
Natasha Blasick (scroll
down for more about Natasha!) and
The Best Action Film while
Shades was recognized by the Jury as
The Best Mystery Film.
Lower Photo
above: Toni Caimari Caldes (the guy wearing
white shirt, first in the right, lower row ), the talented filmmaker & the director of
Infest Festival Cine De Auteur in Palma de Majorca
(scroll down for more) also attended the World Film Fair. His film
Ma Belle that we liked very much received the great critical acclaim and the international awards. Toni invited Natasha and me to present
The Notes at the next edition of the Infest Festival in Spain.
Stay tuned!
Upper Photo
above: The guy with the blue hair, Gus Blaudziunas, great cinematographer for
Shades of Day.
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, so it is up to you New York, New York!
October 28 & 29, 2018
The VM Productions
team is pleased to announce that our award-winning movies
Notes from the New World and
Shades of Day were selected from 31,298 submissions and will be screened
World Film Fair,
New York City,
in the framework of the competition.
will be screened on October 28th at 3:15 PM EDT and
Shades of Day at 7 PM EDT on October 29th.
NEW YORK, NY 10036
The award ceremony will take place in Cinepolis
Theater on October 31st at 7PM.
Our actress
Natasha Blasick that performed
the part of Sonia in
Notes, Notes &
Shades are nominated for awards.
has recently completed the movie
All-Star Weekend (to be released in 2019) written and directed by the Academy award-winner Jamie Foxx. Natasha starred
alongside Hollywood celebrities twice Oscar-nominated Robert Downey Jr. and Oscar-winner Benicio Del Toro.
October 7, 201
Productions is pleased to announce that our movie
Notes from the New World
won the award for Best Feature
Narrative Film by the 3rd Underground Cinema Festival in the city of Cusco, historic capital of Peru. The selection committee
received hundrerds of films from all over the world.
The Notes was selected from
7 finalists feature films that were screened in the
festival. This is our fourth award since September 15th
September 23, 2018
While in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, you should take a short trip to the nearby historic village of Sumskas. There the prestigious Ramunas Atelier hosts the International Independent Film Awards' Festival for Professional filmmakers. Shades of Day became the award winner during the 2018 edition of the Festival on September 23rd
From the Festival's organizers: "We're looking for gifted filmmakers and artists of our generation. The independent film community is without a doubt the backbone of the industry. This is why it is so important for there to be opportunities for these independent geniuses to be recognized. The Ramunas Atelier International Independent Film Awards provides a tremendous amount of opportunities for filmmakers to receive the accolades they deserve within our awards".
September 22, 2018
VM Productions is pleased to announce that our movie Shades of Day - New Director's Cut is a winner with the award for Best Neo-Noir Feature Film by the 3rd Infest International Film Festival - Cine de Auteur, Palma De Mallorca, Spain
Films Infest is an independent initiative of independent film producers, Screen Art Films and Cautor Films, based in Mallorca and Barcelona.
From the Manifesto by the Festival:
"We want to promote artists with free and plural visions that contribute to the efforts of making this world more tolerant, away from so called 'one minded thinking'. The truth is in every human being. It only takes one to explain it and another one to listen..."
September 12-15, 2018
VM Productions is pleased to announce that our movie Notes from the New World is a winner with the award for Best Feature Film by the 4th Atlantic International Film Festival, Barranquilla, Colombia. The official selection included 44 films representing 27 countries chosen from over 1,100 entries from 82 countries: